” कायचि कि त्सा नाम सर्वां गसंश्रि तानां व्याधीनां ज्वररक्तपि त्तशोषोन्मादापस्मारकुष्ठमेहाति सारादी नाम
उपशमनार्थ ||”
….. ……. ( सुश्रुत)
“याभि : क्रि याभि र्जा यन्ते शरीरे धातव: समा: |
सा चि कि त्सा वि काराणां कर्म तद् भि षजां स्मतृ म ्||”
……………..( चरक )
Kayachikitsa is one of eight branches of Ashtang Ayurveda that deals with general medicine. It
is first branch Ashtanga Ayurveda which mainly deals with diagnosis and treatment of various
health problems.
The approach of Kayachikitsa involves the complete management of body and mind. The
treatment help to establish a harmony between mind , body and soul.
Department of kayachikista equipped with departmental library, models, specimens and charts
for demonstration.
Kayachikitsa Department has Kayachikitsa OPD , Fever OPD, Immunity OPD and Male &
Female IPD wards
Sr. No. | Name of Research Article | Journal Name | Faculty Name | Other Details |
1 | A Clinical Study on effect of Bilwapatra Ghana in the management of Madhumeha w.r.t TypeII Diabetes Mellitus | JAIMS | Dr Prashant Budhwat | |
2 | Lepa Kalpana- A Review | JAIMS | Dr Prashant Budhwat | |
3 | A Controlled Clinical Study on Role of Lohanisha Yoga in Shakhashrit Kamala | IAMJ | Dr Prashant Budhwat | |
4 | Effect Of Herbal Medicinal Plants in Diabetes Mellitus | IAMJ | Dr Prashant Budhwat | |
5 | Study the Efficacy of Swarjikadya Ghrita Ointment in the management of Dushta Vrana | IAMJ | Dr Prashant Budhwat | |
6 | Review study on Role of Ayurved in Mutraghata w.s.r BPH | IAMJ | Dr Kanchan Ambhore | |
7 | Comparative study of Lodhradi Lepa with and without Arogyavardhini vati in the management of Yuvanpidika. | JISM | Dr Kanchan Ambhore |
Sr. No. | Date | Activities Details | Number of Participants | Other Details |
1 | 07-08-2021 | Various Activities | 18 |